Xena Trivia Contest
I can't say I made this quiz up, because
I didn't. I got it from a magizine and thought it was very cool. Hope you
like it. I just recently got the new magazine*
and it has the answers in it, so now I know them, thank goodness. If you
know all or some of the answers, e-mail
them to me and I'll see that you name is put up on a page for winners.
.....NOTE: Somewhere
on this page is one secret link. Find it and you'll find the answer page.
Good luck!!!
1. What is the name of Hades'
2. Who is Queen Melosa's adopted
3. In "Is There a Doctor in
the House," what are the cobwebs used for?
4. The metal weapons from "The
Dirty Half-Dozen" were formed from...?
5. In "Remember Nothing," who
were the Three Faces of Fate?
6. What is the name of the
Dreamgod from "Dreamworker"?
7. Who is the acting queen
of the Amazons, and Gabrielle's good friend?
8. All the evil of the Centaies
was put into...?
9. Who was the Black Wolf?
10. Xena's mother was married
11. In "Hooves and Harlots,"
what did Terreis give to Gabrielle?
12. In "Been There, Done That,"
what was in Joxer's helmet?
Thank you to 'XENA: WARRIOR
PRINCESS Magazine' for letting me use the quiz.
In case anyone cares I got it from isssue